Plug-in Boards and PCMCIA Cards
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All of our Analog IO, Digital IO, Communications, Counter-Timer and Multi-function cards are listed here in alphabetical order by part number. Click on a link for product literature, files and information.
ADC-16 -- Low cost, high resolution analog input card (ISA). |
CIO-DAS08 Series -- Low cost multi-function card (ISA). |
CIO-DAS1400 -- High speed multi-function card with software programmable gains (ISA). |
CIO-DAS16 -- Multi-function analog and digital IO board (ISA). |
CIO-DAS1600 -- High speed multi-function card with software programmable gains (ISA). |
CIO-DAS16-330i -- 330khz Multi-function board for IBM and Compatibles |
CIO-DAS16JR -- Low cost multi-function analog and digital IO board (ISA). |
CIO-DAS48-PGL -- Low cost, 48 single-ended analog input card for IBM and Compatibles |
CIO-DAS6402 -- 64 channel analog I/O board (ISA). |
CIO-DAS800 -- Low cost 8 channel A/D board (ISA). |
CIO-EXP16 and CIO-EXP32 -- 16 and 32 channel analog input multiplexers. Provides cold junction compensation for thermocouples. |
CIO-EXP-BRIDGE16 -- Expansion multiplexer for bridge inputs. |
CIO-SSH16 -- 16-channel simultaneous sample and hold accessory board. |
DAQ-1200 -- 400khz Multifunction board for IBM and Compatibles |
DAQ-800 Series -- Low Cost 8 channel differential analog input board for IBM or Compatibles |
DAQ-16 -- 16-bit resolution plug in board (ISA). |
DAQBOARD Series -- High performance multifunction board, expandable to 256 inputs |
DAQP-12 -- 12-bit resolution analog input PCMCIA card. |
DAQP-16 -- 16-bit resolution analog input PCMCIA card. |
DAS-1200 -- Low cost analog and digital IO cards (ISA). |
DAS-1400 and DAS-1600 -- High speed analog and digital IO boards (ISA). |
DAS-16 -- High speed analog input card (ISA). |
DAS-1800 -- High performance analog and digital IO boards (ISA) |
DAS-20 -- Analog input and outpu card (ISA). |
DAS-50 and DAS-58 -- Ultra high-speed analog input boards. Up to 1Mhz sample rate (ISA). |
DAS-8 -- Analog input card (ISA). |
DAS-800 -- Low cost analog input cards (ISA). |
DAS-8PGA -- Analog input and output cards (ISA). |
DAS-HRES -- 16-bit resolution A-D interface card (ISA). |
DAS-TC -- 16-channel, high resolution thermocouple and voltage input board (ISA). |
DAS-TEMP -- 32 channel temperature measurement board. Uses AD-592 sensors (ISA). |
DASCON-1 -- Analog and Digital IO interface card (ISA). |
EXP-16 -- Universal analog input multiplexer. Supplies cold-junction sensor for thermocouples. |
OMD-5508BG, OMD-5508TC and OMD-5508RTD -- Low cost plug-in cards for thermocouples, RTD's and Strain Gages. (ISA) |
OMD-5508HR and OMD-5508SHR -- High resolution analog input cards (ISA). |
OMD-5508LC -- Low cost analog input card (ISA). |
OMD-5508MF and OMD-5508CL -- Low cost plug-in cards for voltage or current inputs (ISA). |
OMD-5508SCI -- Direct connect boards with isolation. Thermocouple, voltage, current or strain inputs (ISA). |
PCI-DAS1200 -- 16 channel, 12-bit analog I/O board (PCI). |
PCI-DAS1602 -- 16 channel, 12 or 16-bit analog I/O board (PCI). |
PD-MF (PowerDaq) -- Processor Based Data Acquisition Boards (PCI). |
WB-DYNARES -- High accuracy multifunction boards with up to 20-bit resolution for IMB or Compatibles |
WB-Flash12 -- Ultra high-speed analog input boards for voltage or thermocouples. Up to 1Mhz sampling rate (ISA) |
WB-Workmate -- High speed analog input boards for thermocouple and voltage inputs (ISA). |
WIN-30 Series -- Ultra high-speed data acquisition board. Up to 1Mhz sample rate (ISA). |
Analog Inputs | Analog Out | Digital IO & Counters | Communications |
CIO-DAC Series -- 2, 8 and 16 channel analog output boards with voltage or current outputs (ISA). |
DA8P-12 -- 12-bit analog output PCMCIA card with voltage outputs. |
DAC-02 -- 2 channel, 12-bit analog output card with voltage or current outputs (ISA). |
DDA-06 -- 6 channel analog output card with voltage or current outputs (ISA). |
OMD-5504DA -- Four channel direct-connect analog output card for voltage or current (ISA). |
WB-AVO -- 2 or 8 channel analog output cards with voltage or current outputs (ISA) |
Analog Inputs | Analog Out | Digital IO & Counters | Communications |
CIO-CTR Series -- 5 or 10 channel counter-timer card (ISA). |
CIO-CTR10HD and CIO-CTR20HD -- 10 and 20 channel counter-timer boards (ISA). |
CIO-DIO192 -- 192-bit digtial IO board (ISA). |
CIO-DIO24 -- Economical 24-bit digital IO cards (ISA). |
CIO-DIO24/CTR3 -- 24-channel digital IO board with 3 counter-timers (ISA). |
CIO-DIO48 -- 48-bit digital IO card (ISA). |
CIO-DIO96 -- 96-bit digital IO card (ISA). |
CIO-DISO48 -- 48 channel isolated digital input board (ISA). |
CIO-PDISO8 -- 8 channel mechanical relay output card with isolated digital inputs (ISA). |
CIO-RELAY16 -- 16-channel relay output card (ISA). |
DIO-PC -- General purpose digital IO board (ISA). |
IOP-241 -- 24-bit digital IO PCMCIA card. |
OMD-5600 Series -- Digital IO boards for TTL, contact closure, high voltage DC, or AC voltage direct connection. |
PIO-HV -- High voltage 24-bit digital IO board (ISA). |
REL-16 -- 16-channel SPST relay output board (ISA). |
WB-DIO Series -- High density digital IO and counter-timer cards for IBM and Macintosh computers. (ISA and NUBUS). |
Analog Inputs | Analog Out | Digital IO & Counters | Communications |
COM-422 -- RS-232 or RS-422 interface card (ISA) |
COM-485 -- RS-485 interface card (ISA) |
DSP-100 -- Dual port RS-232 PCMCIA card. |
DSP-200-300 -- Dual port RS-422 or RS-485 PCMCIA card. |
DSP-225 -- Dual port RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 PCMCIA card. |
Dual-422 -- Dual port RS-422 serial port interface card (ISA). |
OMB-PER488/AT -- IEEE-488 Interface card for IBM compatibles. |
OMB-PER-488 -- IEEE-488 Interface card for IBM compatibles. |
OMG-ACB-530 -- Dual channel high-speed serial interface card (ISA). |
OMG-ACB-II and OMG-ACB-IV -- Synchronous-Asynchronous RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 or RS-530 interface card (ISA). |
OMG-COMM232-EX -- Dual port RS-232 interface card with extended 'AT' interrupts (ISA). |
OMG-COMM232-PCI -- Dual port RS-232 interface card with extended 'AT' interrupts (PCI). |
OMG-COMM2-EX -- Dual Port RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 interface card (ISA) |
OMG-COMM8A -- 8-port RS-232 interface card with extended 'AT' interrupts. (ISA) |
OMG-DATASHARK -- Dual port RS-232 high speed serial port card (ISA). |
OMG-ISO-COMM -- Isolated RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 interface card (ISA) |
OMG-P232 and OMG-P422 -- Asynchronous RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 and RS-530 PCMCIA card. |
OMG-SIO-530 -- RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, RS-530 and 20 mA interface card (ISA) |
OMG-SP232 and OMG-SP422 -- Synchronous RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 and RS-530 PCMCIA card. |
OMG-ULTRA-485 -- Single channel RS-422 or RS-485 serial interface card with automatic control of RS-485 driver enable signal (ISA). |
OMG-ULTRACOMM2-PCI -- Dual port RS-232/422/485 board (PCI). |
OMG-ULTRACOMM422 -- Four port automatic RS-422/485 board (ISA). |
OMG-ULTRA-COMM422-PCI -- Dual port RS-232/422/485 board (PCI). |
OMG-VERSA-COMM4 -- 4 port RS-232 Interface card with extended 'AT' interrupts (ISA). |
OMG-VERSACOMM4-EX -- 4 port RS-232 interface card with extendes 'AT' interrupts (ISA). |
OMG-VERSACOMM4-PCI -- 4 port RS-232 RS-232 card (PCI). |
PCI-GPIB -- IEEE-488 commmunications card (PCI). |
QSP-100 -- Four port RS-232 PCMCIA card. |